Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Check it...


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Some pretty cool news...

We've just been asked by Keino Sasaki of Keino's Cycles fame to be a part of the Brooklyn Invitational this fall.

This is a true honor, as it is a gathering of some extremely talented individuals. From Tom Fugle and Steve Bonge, to Shinya Kimura and Chopper Dave, to Paul Cox and Aki Sakamoto, we are humbled to be included in this event. Hopefully we do not dilute the gene pool too much.

The event is September 17, in Brooklyn of course.

I still cannot believe we were asked to be a part of it. Seriously, these are some of my heroes.

Thanks Keino

Built With Hate

Monday, August 8, 2011

New Fenders!!! Octagonal fenders for you 70's guys

These new fenders we are quite proud of. I'm sure it's been done before, but we hadn't seen it, and we know ours will be the strongest and highest quality ones out there.

Same 12 gauge construction, same high quality TIG welds, same US Steel, but a new look for old chops.

Ranging in widths from 5.25" to 6.25"

Order one today! Lead time is currently one week until we are able to build up some inventory.

Later y'all!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A few quick pics of Incognegro

So Incognegro and Damage Case left yesterday for the AMD World Show in the trusting hands of Shannon and Russ, with Will from Faith Forgotten Choppers already there representing us. Nic and I have some business to attend to here, so we may not make it to Sturgis this year.

But this cute little fucker did. Details and more pics soon.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Quick update

Russ just got back from Mountain Fest in West Virginia. Had a blast, people were great. Big thanks to the Mountain Fest and Cycle Source crew for the hospitality. Thanks guys, you rocked as always.

Leaving for Sturgis in a day or so. Incognegro is waiting on one or two parts, but no worries. It will be in the AMD World Show along with Nic's Damage Case.

Hopefully stopping by the Twisted Choppers camp to hang with Lemme and the guys, time permitting. I know they're up around the clock, so I'm sure we'll see them.

We will probably not being set up this year, although we will be around the Limp Nickie Lot at the Buffalo Chip. Sorry, we need a break, so we are taking a little vacation while we are out there. If you need something or want to purchase something and save on shipping, let us know today or tomorrow.

New fender later today! This is a really cool idea I've had in my head for quite some time, and we just finished the mandrel last night, so I will spin a few out this morning. It's a dyed-in-the-wool 70's piece. Break out the lace and acid drops!!!

That's it for now. Got a few more things for ya after Sturgis.

Later y'all!